Over the past nine years, Mission Driven Purpose has organized and led various humanitarian relief efforts across the globe. To expand our global reach, we formed our MDP Ghana Branch in 2017 for ongoing work to be continued in Ghana.
Our Mission Driven Purpose Ghana Branch is an active branch, and a few weekends ago, they visited a church we established in Fawoade-Kumasi in 2017.
Below is a journal entry from the visit to the Abundant Living SDA Church.
By God’s grace, the Ghana Branch was able to embark on its scheduled plan of visiting the MDP established church in Fawoade-Kumasi.
Members Present
By God’s grace, all the executives of the MDP Ghana Branch made it to the visit.
Church Growth Update
- Population – The Abundant Living SDA Church has grown exponentially from six (6) to over 100. On the day of our visit, we counted 38 adults, 16 youths, and 41 children, totaling 95 in the congregation on that very day.
- Church Projects – The church has been able to acquire a plot of land and has built a roofed structure that will be used for the church service; provisions have also been made for the youth and children’s Sabbath school as well.
- Singing Groups – The church now has a choir and a quartet that sings beautifully; two of the baptized souls from the MDP 2017 evangelistic crusade are members of the choir.
One major need of the church: they need an estimation of 100 bags of cement to cement the floor of their church which will cost $600. The other request made: lighting at the church, spiritual books, AY drums, and a public address system.
Service on the Sabbath
1. We had Sabbath school and Divine service with the Church.
2. Since the church is planning to go to its Camp Meeting on 30th August, we donated Ghc1,000 of rice and sardines.
As an organization, we are extremely thankful to our trustworthy friends who ensure that while we from the U.S.A are not there, the mission in other parts of the world does not stop.
If you would like to support our MDP Ghana Branch you can become a monthly donor or simply donate via Cash App: $AsnMDP, Paypal: info@missioondrivenpurpose.com, or through our website: Click here