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MDP SUMMER INTERNSHIP 2024 Mission Driven Purpose is elated to announce its three newest staff interns—Albert, John (not pictured) and Muhammad (not pictured). Albert, John and Muhammad will be joining the 2024 cohort for the MDP summer internship program. The Mission Driven Purpose summer internship program is designed to enhance skills, provide valuable work experience...
MDP SUMMER INTERNSHIP 2023 Mission Driven Purpose is elated to announce its four newest staff interns—Jiaye, Sangye, Jack, and Awsaf. Jiaye, Sangye, Jack, and Awsaf will be joining the 2023 cohort for the MDP summer internship program. The Mission Driven Purpose summer internship program is designed to enhance skills, provide valuable work experience and ignite...
MDP’s Clean Water Project—6,814 People Helped Clean water is the difference between life and death, and Mission Driven Purpose this past weekend, had the opportunity to furnish 6,814 people with access to clean water. The water filtration systems were made possible by the largesse and goodwill many of you extended when we made a clarion...
MDP’s Clean Water Project—125 Donors Needed Clean water is the difference between life and death, and Mission Driven Purpose is seeking the support of 125 donors that would like to extend their largesse, to enable us to furnish 125 water filters to the citizens of North Ghana. Each water filtration system device costs $40, and...
Mission Driven Purpose’s blockbuster impact trip to Malawi has finally occurred, and God DID NOT disappoint. Here is a visual report of what took place:  A team of 9 volunteers went to Mzimba, North Malawi — six from MDP and three from Abokin Inc. and worked in three sites – Davy, Kafoteka, and Prison Area...
Over the past eight years, Mission Driven Purpose has organized and led various humanitarian relief efforts across the globe. To further our global reach, we formed our MDP Ghana Branch in 2017 for ongoing work to be continued in Ghana.
This winter I had the privilege interning with Mission Driven Purpose
This winter I had the privilege interning with Mission Driven Purpose
Mission Driven Purpose is elated to announce its newest staff intern—Ms. Kingston, who joins the 2022 cohort for the MDP winter internship program The Mission Driven Purpose winter internship program is designed to enhance skills, provide valuable work experience and ignite a profoundly changed perspective on humanity. As an organization, we are pleased to have...
Mission Driven Purpose is elated to announce its 2021 Humanitarian Project—MDP 1,000 Touches Campaign. For those interested in being a harbinger of hope during this holiday season, Mission Driven Purpose will be remitting from a pool of $2,000 towards individuals of goodwill seeking to engage in acts of benevolence throughout December (1-31st). Our aim during...
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