(347) 292-7610


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Donate to MDP

Your gifts to Mission Driven Purpose makes you a vital part of our team powerfully proclaiming the everlasting gospel to the world and leading people by faith to Jesus.
2% Donated
Goal : $30,000.00

Mission Driven Purpose

Mission Driven Purpose  is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in New York. MDP exists to spread the knowledge of a loving God to uplift humanity. We are driven by the love of Christ and a passion to see humanity uplifted.

Mission Driven Purpose since 2013 has been leading people towards spiritual growth domestically and internationally. The support we have received over the years has led our organization to transform the lives of many people throughout the world.

Since 2013, Mission Driven Purpose has been a driving force in igniting change


Served in our food distributions


 Served in our health clinic


People Trained 

Your gifts to Mission Driven Purpose makes you a vital part of our team in powerfully proclaiming the everlasting gospel to the world.  Mission Driven Purpose is able to transform communities with the donations received by its donors. 

  • Sponsor a church plant
  • Sponsor a students education
  • Support our mission trips
  • Support our relief trips
  • Training materials and resources

Want to donate by phone?

Not a problem. Call us now
(347) 292-7610

Or donate via
Cash App $AsnMDP or Zelle/Paypal:


Donate online safely

The payment is encrypted and transmitted securely with an SSL protocol.


Mission Trip To Kenya

In 2019, we had the privilege of serving in the country of Kenya. Your donations helped us set up three church plants in the span of two weeks. Many lives were touched and ignited to draw closer to the Lord. 


What is Mission Driven Purpose?

ASN Mission Driven Purpose (MDP) is a nonprofit organization based in the USA. MDP exists to spread the knowledge of a loving God to uplift humanity. We are driven by the love of Christ and a passion to see humanity uplifted.

How do you make sure my gifts to MDP are spent wisely?

Mission Driven Purpose provides updates via its newsletter of where donations are being spent for the organization. 

What are some other ways a person can donate online?

Yes, you can donate through Cashapp, Zelle, or Paypal. Our Cashapp is $Asnmdp and our Zelle/Paypal is info@asnmissiondrivenpurpose.com.   

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes. ASN Mission Driven Purpose is a 501(c)(3) and our EIN is available online.

Are there other ways I can donate?

-You can donate with a money order or a check to “Asn Mission Driven Purpose” 

– Alternatively, you can donate via these options: 1) Cash App: $Asnmdp, 2) Venmo: Asn-Mdp, 3) Paypal: info@missiondrivenpurpose.com, 4) Zelle: info@missiondrivenpurpose.com, 5) check or money order

What are some different ways to support MDP?

Mission Driven Purpose is part of the Amazon Smile program. At no cost to you, all purchases made on Amazon, 5% will go towards MDP

What percentage of my donation goes towards MDP?

Donations are fully utilized towards all ongoing projects for Mission Driven Purpose.

Is Mission Driven Purpose governed by a board of directors?

Yes. ASN Mission Driven Purpose is governed by a Board of Directors. 

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